Do you want to be a missionary?

We are very excited that you are part of the Smiles Volunteer Missionary Team and that you want to Change the World One Smile at a time.

First, participate in one of the Smiles Projects (10 days) so that you can understand our Vision, know our work methodology, observe the pillars on which we stand and get to know the team with which you will be working for 9-12 months. (mandatory requirement)

Second, read and review all the information that we present on this page, it is very important that you have all the information clear. Then register by clicking on the “REGISTER” button at the bottom of this page to be a “Smiles volunteer missionary”.

Third and most importantly, prepare to live one of the most enriching experiences of your life.
They are volunteers with a passionate heart to serve who, together with Smiles they work as missionaries & educators within a period of 9-12 months, developing an educational, social, emotional, spiritual and/or health project, in one of the designated countries.
They are the ones who coordinate and execute the Smiles projects, being responsible and representatives of the Foundation during the time of completion.
All our Missionaries must first have experience in some ONE of the Smiles Travel Projects in the World, which will enable them to fulfill their dreams effectively and with purpose.

Develop programs, activities and events based on the missionary’s area of study, profession or passion, taking into account the specific needs of the place chosen to work. The duration of the projects is 9 to 12 months.

Promote, through educational, artistic, sports, physical health, emotional health and spiritual life programs and activities, the desire for improvement, growth, development, health and education in each child, with the aim of improving their quality of life and a better future


- Choose a country where to develop your missionary plan.
- Fill out the registration form and have all the documentation in order.
- Have participated as a volunteer in a Smiles Trip to any of the proposed and/or desired destinations.
- Be responsible for the cost of transportation to the project site.

- Present a proposal for the project(s) to be carried out.
- Prepare a budget based on materials and resources.
- Establish measurable and practical short-term objectives.
- Evaluate the results and progress with Smiles.

- Smiles will provide accommodation, and a stipend for personal expenses.
- Smiles will evaluate and provide project materials.
- Smiles will provide basic health insurance but it is recommended to extend this coverage in person.
- Builders
- Carpenters
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Psychologists – Social Work
- Primary Teachers
- Instructors for:
- Art, music, computer.
- Tutoring, sport, languages
- Bakery, sweing, mechanics
The Missionary, being a legal representative of Smiles, must consider the following responsibilities.
- Comply with the moral values of the Foundation.
- Protect the integrity and honesty of the Foundation.
- Act in full communication with the Administration.
- Function financially according to Smiles administrative protocol.
- Use the distinctive Smiles logo at all events.
- Evaluate your projects in order to always improve.
- Report monetary inputs and outputs of all concepts.
- Put children first at all times.
- Ensure the safety of all who participate.
- Make a commitment of 9 to 12 months of project.
Another benefit apart from “making history”, “leaving traces” and changing lives for eternity are:
Have access to all the resources and training, leadership seminars and events that Smiles organizes for free.
Discounts on the Smiles project anywhere in the world where they are carried out, being part of its leadership.
The possibility of participating in the Annual Meeting of Smiles Ambassadors and Missionaries at the Smiles Amazonas Camp. (See details with administration.)
Does it cost to be a Smiles Missionary?
Of course!
Everything that is done in order to impact the world, leave traces on future generations, transform the lives of hundreds of children and their families, must have a cost. Don’t you think?
The costs are:
- It will take you time to organize.
- You will use your personal resources to help others.
- They will tell you, it’s not worth it, but you will look over the moment.
- You will get tired and want to quit, but your goals will be stronger.
- Many obstacles, however you will turn them into opportunities.
Where do you want to draw smiles?
An entire community of more than 1,200 families, built of cardboard, without access to education or medical care, without what is necessary to achieve a minimum quality of life. We will work immersed in La Esperanza offering basic classes, food distribution, emotional and physical health programs as well as a number of events that promote the development of a dignified life.
SMILES HOUSE EL SALVADOR – El Zancudo Community.
Isolated community where the climate and poverty become the enemies to be overcome by local children and families. Reach this hidden point thanks to La Casa Smiles to make their lives have hope again. Tutoring to support school success, computer classes, psychological and medical assistance, hundreds of children and young people have access to resources that will build a better future.
Smiles and his team of volunteers, doctors, dentists, psychologists, teachers, social workers, young people, adolescents, adults… in short, a group of missionaries and volunteers goes into the Amazon to visit dozens of communities lost among rivers, trees and solitude to serve approximately 2050 families.
Thailand has a 10% poverty rate, which is worth highlighting, however, there are still children and families who are exposed to needs such as the eradication of AIDS, high school dropouts due to lack of resources and means, as well as working children who Due to the poverty of their families, they become vulnerable to the sexual tourism that is so abundant.