Travel as a volunteer!​


Change the world, one smile at a time

“We make a living with what we receive, we make a living with what we give”.

Winston Churchill

Ready to start exploring?

This project will take you to the Isla del Encanto, where you will not only enjoy its beautiful beaches and beautiful people, but you will be able to help hundreds of families in need! We will do volunteer work with refugee families in great need, homes for single mothers, orphanages and public schools not yet recovered from Hurricane María. Medical Brigade, emotional workshops and food distribution

Land of contrasts

A land that radiates life, perfectly imperfect, and full of authenticity. Where the old and new worlds converge, colonial landscapes live in harmony with tropical jungles and paradisiacal Caribbean beaches. A country for those who seek beyond the expected, that challenges you to see more, try more, connect more, feel more. A journey for those who long for more connection and transformation from Puerto Rico. Not only will you be breathless by its beauty, beaches and beautiful people, but you will be able to help hundreds of families in need!


Day 1

Our trip begins with arrival in San Juan, a Caribbean paradise full of culture and life. After landing, we will immerse ourselves in the warmth and joy that characterize Puerto Rico.

Day 2

Saturday this day will be a day of preparation and orientation, where we will familiarize ourselves with the environment and receive instructions for our medical and humanitarian mission. It’s the perfect time to come together as a team and prepare to make a meaningful difference.

Day 3-6

During the week, we will dedicate ourselves to a valuable medical brigade, providing care and support to those who need it most. In the afternoons, we will enjoy activities that will further connect us with the rich Puerto Rican culture, walks through impressive landscapes, and time in the community. The nights will be reserved for motivation and personal growth sessions, where we will share experiences, reflect and strengthen our bonds as a team.

Each night, we will gather for inspiring sessions of motivation and personal growth. We will share stories, reflections, and empower each other to return home not only with unforgettable memories but also with a renewed sense of purpose and connection.

Day 7

We are already reaching the end of an experience that will mark your life. You will return home with a feeling of purpose and satisfaction. Friends that you will keep for the rest of your life. And most importantly, with the certainty that you drew a smile in the heart of a child who will thank you forever.

HELPING others brings us closer as HUMAN BEINGS

According to the book The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky, When we serve others, it not only helps others feel closer to us, but it also helps us feel closer to others. “Being kind and generous leads you to perceive others in a more positive and charitable way.”


Travel date: June 9-16, 2024

  • Airport:
  • Arrival day: Sunday, June 9 
  • Departure day: Sunday, June 16
  • Includes Accommodation (7 nights)
  • Meals (3 per day)
  • Transportation (clean and AC buses)
  • Medical Insurance (Basic)
  • Gift Backpack – Smiles Foundation
  • Tourism as described
  • Price does not include;
    Flight cost
    Visa if necessary

TOTAL COST: $ 725.00